Juliette Has a Gun Giveaway

To celebrate the official launch of Katie Puckrik Smells: The Blog, I am tickled hot pink to announce a super-duper Juliette Has a Gun giveaway. Juliette Has a Gun is the French line of beautiful rose-based perfumes inspired by Shakespearean heroines. The three fragrances on offer are:

Miss Charming, a fresh berry/rose which according to the JHG website is “the perfume of a virgin witch”. Does that mean Miss C reinstates my virginity whenever I wear it? I love it when that happens!

Lady Vengeance, a gorgeous rose/patchouli with a caramel glaze, and the one that initiated me into the joys of subtle candy-sweetness in perfume.

Citizen Queen, a leathery rose that the JHG blurb calls “glamorous and intimidating" - and that’s a pretty good description of this contemporary take on a classic chypre.

Click on the perfume names to see my reviews.

I have two bottles of Miss Charming, and one bottle each of Lady Vengeance and Citizen Queen (all 1.7 oz). In addition, I have 10 velvet pouches with .07 oz samples of all three eau de parfums. That’s 14 prizes to try for! All Juliette Has a Gun items are courtesy of the friendly folks over at LuckyScent.com.

To enter, you must be a subscriber to my YouTube channel, KatiePuckrikSmells. If your Blogger screen name is different from your YouTube name, then please state this in your entry comment. (For instance, my Blogger name is Katie Puckrik, and my YouTube name is KatiePuckrikSmells.) This is important, because the only way I can verify the winners is through their YouTube accounts.

Enter by commenting under this post only, stating which perfume you would prefer to win. For example: “Please enter me in the Juliette Has a Gun giveaway. I would prefer to win Miss Charming. My YouTube name is KatiePuckrikSmells.” One entry per person.

You can ONLY ENTER by commenting UNDER THIS BLOG POST. Any entries on youtube.com don't count.

I’ll try my best to match winners with their perfume of choice. One entry per person, please.

Giveaway closes midnight EST July 10, 2009. Winners will be chosen by a random drawing, and announced on this blog on July 11, 2009. Only one prize per winner.

Winners, please private message me on my YouTube channel with your
mailing address. If I don't hear from you within 2 weeks, your prize will go to a lucky alternate winner.

Reasonable care will be taken in the packaging and mailing of your prize, but if the contents are lost, damaged, or held up by Customs, I sincerely apologize in advance that I cannot replace it.

Customs policies vary from country to country. You may be subject to import duties and taxes, which are enforced once a shipment reaches your country. Charges for customs clearance must be paid by you. Unfortunately, I have no control over these charges.

Good luck, Fumeheads - and welcome to my blog!


  1. Hello

    my blogger name is Wonderful Woman and my Youtube name is Carew.

    Please enter me in the Juliette Has a Gun giveaway. I would prefer to win Citizen Queen.

    many thank yous

  2. Hi there!
    My name on Youtube is Charliwilde, my blogger name is also Charliwilde!
    Please enter me in the Juliette has a gun giveaway, I would prefer to win Lady Vengeance- a scent I love but can so seldom afford!

    huge thank yous- and home made chocolate pie for you if Im a winner!

  3. My YouTube username is Deanna6, my blogger name is Deanna.

    Please enter me in the Juliette Has a Gun giveaway. I would prefer to win Lady Vengeance but I'd be happy with either :)

  4. My youtube Username is hollisterrox0, my blogger name is Diana. lease enter me in the Juliette Has a Gun giveaway. I would prefer to win Miss Charming. Thanks soo much! P.s. If i win, please contact me on my youtube channel. THANKS!

  5. Please enter me in the Juliette Has a Gun giveaway. I would prefer to win Citizen Queen. My YouTube name is laurafayeee.

    Thank you, love your reviews :) xx

  6. My youtube username is: pathu32, my blogger username is: pathu32

    Hello! Please enter me in the Juliette giveaway, I would love to win Lady Vengeance...but I'm a fragrance junkie so I wouldn't mind the other. :)

  7. Hey,
    Please enter me in the Juliette Has a Gun giveaway. I would prefer to win Miss Charming. My YouTube name is cazy500


  8. Please enter me in the Juliette Has a Gun giveaway. I would prefer to win Miss Charming. My YouTube name is CatCalamity!
    Thanks so much!

  9. Hello my name on youtube is LocustReign1

    please enter me into the juliette has a gun giveaway, i would LOVE to win Lady Vengeance.

    I love your reviews and think its awesome youre doing this giveaway, congrats on the blog! :)

  10. Heyo,

    Both my blogger name and my YouTube name are Zelzega.

    Please enter me into the Lady Vengence category.

    Love your channel =D

  11. My Youtube is PinkxDaisy

    Please enter me in the Juliette has a Gun Giveaway =)

    Please enter me for Miss Charming =)

    Thank you for holding this giveaway !!

  12. Hello -

    My blog name is /lachesis. my YT name is lachesisss. Please enter me in the Juliette has a Gun giveaway. I would prefer to win Lady Vengeance.

    Thanks! :D

  13. Hi there! I'm meghan4mark on YouTube. I would love to be entered to win Miss Charming, or if that is gone, one of the sample bags.

    Thank you so much!

  14. Hello!!
    My YouTube name is OneDollarBuddha. I would prefer to win Miss Charming.

    Thanks so much for having this giveaway.
    I'm so excited about your new blog! :)

  15. pls enter me in this Juliette giveaway
    i would prefer to win Miss Charming
    my YT name is dolcevita736

  16. Please enter me! I would prefer to win Miss Charming

    My YouTube name is magicgrl111

  17. Hello Deary!

    I would love to be entered into the "Juliette Has A Gun Giveaway!"

    For my taste I think that Miss Charming would be a great fit!

    Thank you very much for the opportunity!

    - Megan

    Youtube: ohsotypical

  18. I really want to win Lady Vengence so I can try it. I love the packaging, I love the name. Luckily, Katie you give me hope…

    My You Tube name is InBetweenTheReality

  19. Hello,
    Please enter me in the Juliette has a Gun giveaway. My YouTube name and my name here is donnellylv.

    I would prefer to win Lady Vengeance.

  20. Hi!

    Enter me please to the Juliette has a gun giveaway:) I would prefer the Lady Vengeance.

    My YT name is tiiaths

    Thank you


  21. Katie
    I have tried to enter this for about 30 minutes now. I have no idea what I am doing wrong.
    Anyway, Congratulations! on your blog

    I would love to try Miss Charming in your Juliette Has A Gun Giveaway.

    I am Persephone500 on youtube

    and I think TrillianAlice is my google profile

  22. Hello!

    Please enter me in the Juliette Has a Gun giveaway. I would prefer to win Lady Vengeance. My YouTube name is NorthSouth89.

    Thx =D

  23. Hello!
    My youtube user name is cupcakegrl4ever and I would perfer to win Lady Vengence.
    Thanks a billion

  24. Good Evening KP! (I am also a KPnut!)

    Please enter me into your special little competition and giveaway! I would love a go at Lady Vengeance please :).

    My YT name is KimmiPea!

  25. Please enter me in the Juliette Has a Gun giveaway. I would prefer to win Miss Charming.

    My YouTube name is CuhLick

  26. Hi Katie,

    Please enter me in the Juliette Has a Gun giveaway. I would prefer to win Lady Vengeance(although I would rather win one of the velvet bags!)! My YouTube name is stargirl937.

    Thanks so much, can't wait to see more reviews!

  27. Please enter me in the Juliette Has a Gun giveaway. I would prefer to win Lady Vengeance. My YouTube name is unluckycharm13.

  28. Hi!
    Please enter me in the Juliette Has a Gun giveaway. I would prefer to win Miss Charming. My YouTube name is erikaq94

  29. Please enter me in the Juliette Has a Gun giveaway. I would be awesome to win Miss Charming.

    My YouTube name is FleshEatingFairy.

  30. Hi :) My youtube name is Mickysantos and I'd like to be entere in the Juliette Has a Gun giveaway. I'd love to win Lady Vengeance.

  31. please enter me in the juliette has a gun giveaway. i would like lady vengeance. my youtube name is makeadriup..

    thanks so much for the oportunity :)

  32. Please enter me in the Juliette Has a Gun giveaway. I would prefer to win Lady Vengeance.
    My YouTube name is GeminiAGogo

    Love the blog! :) xoxo

  33. please enter me in the juliette has a gun giveaway i would prefer to win Lady Vengeance my you tube name is XxbondagegurlXx

  34. Congrats on the new blog!
    I would like to be entered into the contest and I would l-o-v-e to win Lady Vengence!
    My youtube name is birdgirl707

  35. I don't think fate will help me twice, but I can try. I would love to win Lady Vengeance, thank you.
    My youtube account is lindashila

  36. Hi there! Love your reviews!!
    I would be thrilled if you could please enter me in the Juliette Has a Gun giveaway. I would love to win Lady vengeance but would be pleased to win anything, really. Who wouldn't?
    My YouTube name is xstrawberryxtaurusx
    Thank you!

  37. Please enter me in the Juliette has a gun giveaway. I would prefer to win Citizen Queen. My Youtube username is 1diamondK
    thanks xx :)

  38. There was a little confusion about where to post the contest entries. So, the following fumeheads are entered.


    Good luck everyone!

  39. Please enter me in for citizens queen, my youtube name is Nikitasmith01

  40. Hello. :D My youtube is makeupxheaven and i would perfer to have Miss Charming. :D

  41. hello my you tube is brianzbabygurl09 and i would perfer to win Citizen Queen thxz

  42. Please enter me in the Juliette has a Gun giveaway. I would prefer the three sample sizes, my you tube usernameis Saritalaa. Thank you!

  43. Hello,

    Please enter me into the Juliette has a gun giveaway, my youtube name is MoonLitPassage. I'm interested in the Miss Charming fragrance. Thanks so much. : )

  44. Hiii!

    Please enter me for Lady Vengeance. My youtube name is MarkiSan.


  45. Please enter me in the Juliette Has a Gun giveaway. I would prefer to win Miss Charming. My YouTube name is dms0110

    Thank you!

  46. Please enter me in the Juliette Has a Gun giveaway. I would prefer to win Citizen Queen. My YouTube name is Kathryncota. Thanks!

  47. Please enter me in the Juliette has a Gun giveaway. I would prefer to win Lady Vengeance, and my youtube username is clearserenity84, thanks so much!

  48. My Youtube name is cloroxcowgirl and I would love to win Citizen Queen!

  49. Hi, please enter me in your Juliette has a Gun giveaway. I would prefer to win Lady Vengeance. My Youtube name is FrauBiest. Thanks :)

  50. my youtube name is mightymatanda.

    please enter me in the contest, id prefer to winn the small sample sizes to try them out.

  51. Hi! My name on Youtube is DoEverythingGirl. I would like to be entered in the Juliette Has a Gun contest. I would like Lady Vengeance please!

  52. Hi Katie,

    The blog looks great and I would love to enter the Juliette Has a Gun giveaway. :)

    I tried really hard in the last contest, and was unsuccessful, so hopefully I'll have more luck in a random drawing!

    I would like to win Lady Vengeance (it sounds delish). My YouTube name is the same as all of my usernames, foreverxdirt. So no mix-ups!

    Thanks for hosting this contest! Good luck everyone!

    - Hillary

  53. Hello! Please enter me in this giveaway. I would like to win Miss Charming. My username on Youtube is KouUsagi.
    Thank you!

  54. Please enter me in the Juliette Has a Gun giveaway. I would prefer to win Lady Vengeance . My YouTube name is butterflyglimmer but my blogger name is DeannaB. Thank you!

  55. Please enter me in the Juliette Has a Gun giveaway. I would prefer to win Miss Charming. My YouTube name is luv2216.”

  56. Hi My name on youtube is therealoracle. i would like to be entered in the Juliette Has a Gun giveaway. I would like Lady Vengeance! Please pick me!! Thanks!

  57. Hi! My name on youtube is kateFAIL.

    Please! Enter me in the Juliette has a gun give away! I'd prefere the Citizen queen fragrence please....

    =) Thankyou!

  58. Hi Katie, my youtubename is Biggan47 and I would like to enter the giveaway. I would prefer to win Miss Charming but I'm a fumehead and I'd love to try any of the JHG fragrances!

  59. Please enter me in the Juliette Has a Gun giveaway. I would prefer to win Citizen Queen . My YouTube name is jjejjohn.”

  60. Please enter me! I would prefer to win Lady Vengeance. My YouTube name is midosbaby =)

  61. Please enter me in the Juliette Has a Gun giveaway.
    I would prefer to win Miss Charming.
    My YouTube name is LOV3H3RMADLY.

    thank you,

  62. Hello so thrilled you have a blog now. I would love any of the fragrances.

    Blog name is Margo Hay
    Youtube name is margohay

  63. Thanks Katie for holding a give away ♥

    I'd really like to be entered for the sample bag of all 3. I'm horribly indecisive when it comes to these things, and you have just the remedy lol.

    My Youtube name is Vixenkitten04.

    Thanks again Katie!

  64. Hi Katie! Happy to see you made a blog. Will be following. :]

    Please enter me in the Juliette Has a Gun giveaway. I'd love to win Miss Charming, but any fragrance would do. My YouTube name is Meriennee.

  65. My YouTube username is bobbieleann30, my blogger name is Bobbie

    Please enter me in the Juliette Has a Gun giveaway. I would prefer to win Miss Charming, but I'd be happy with either :)

  66. Heylo,
    Please enter me in the Juliette Has a Gun giveaway. I would prefer to win Miss Charming. My YouTube name is NatsumiXidnan.

  67. Hey Katie!

    I would really love to be entered into the "Juliette Has A Gun Giveaway!"
    If i were to win, i would prefer Lady Vengeance but would LOVE any of the three!

    Thank you so much!

    my Youtube username is - candyandapples

  68. Good job on the blog Katie!

    Please enter me in the Juliette Has a Gun giveaway. I would prefer to win Lady Vengeance, but any of them would be good. My YouTube name is AleshaDawnP.

  69. Please enter me. I'd love to win Lady Vengeance!
    My Youtube name is staciarose20.

  70. Hello! I would love to be entered in the contest. I prefer 'Miss Charming,' but any would be a delight to win.

    My youtube username is alainaisawesome.


  71. hey Katie!
    I would like to enter the "Juliet has a gun giveaway" contest jusk like millions of others:)
    I would prefer "Lady vengeance". My youtube username is drakendrones.
    Thank you.

  72. enter me please :) my youtube user name is inaminute33
    I'd love to win your favorite out of the three scents :) thanks

  73. Hi Katie
    I would like to enter the " Juliet has a gun" giveaway. I perefer the Lady Vengeance
    My YouTube ID is: melodycosmo

  74. Please enter me in the Juliet Has a Gun contest. I would love to get the Citizen Queen fragrance. My Youtube username is Jewelrycreator. Thank you for taking the time to put a little sweetness in 14 lucky people's day. =D

  75. Hi Katie, cute blog.

    I would like to enter into the Juliette has a Gun giveaway. My youtube user name is itsaplussizeworldbbw

  76. Hey Katie :]

    I would like to enter into the Juliette has a Gun giveaway.
    My youtube username is aleksXbabesz.

    It does not matter which one it is but if I had to choose one, I would choose Miss Charming.

    Thank you for having another give away :D

  77. Hello,

    Please enter me in the giveaway! My youtube name is TheCheetoBandit. I would prefer to win Lady Vengeance. Thank you!

  78. Please enter me in the Juliette Has a Gun giveaway. I would prefer to win Lady Vengeance. My YouTube name is YesCandles”

    Congrats on the fabu blog!!!

  79. Hi Katie !!! I really like win one of those fragrances my blog username is ginsitaloveshabibi and my youtube username is ginsita. Thanks and God bless you :)

  80. Please enter me in the giveaway!
    I think I'd prefer to win "Miss Charming," but really they all sound delicious.

    Youtube name: welookedlike
    Thanks. :)

  81. Hi Katie! Please enter me in the contest. My youtube name is befany14.

  82. Hello!
    Please enter me in the contest. I would like to win a Citizen Queen bottle! :)
    My youtube name is BeautyDu.

    Thanks for the chance!

  83. Hi!
    Please enter me in the contest! Any of them would be fine. My youtube name is skids1805.

  84. hey :]
    my youtube name is blakciwthenvy702. I would like to win any they all sound amazing. thanx for entering me.

  85. Hi Katie!

    I'm entering the contest, olé! My Youtube name is vidabo. Great way to announce the blog. Thanks and good luck to you and all of us.

    Oh, if I get drawn, I'd love some Lady Vengeance.


  86. Hello Katie, what a great blog! I'd like to be entered in the giveaway and would love Lady Vengeance. My Youtube name is CandyCoatedDame


  87. Please enter me in the Juliette Has a Gun giveaway. I would prefer to win Lady Vengeance. My YouTube name is Spiritfingers186.

  88. Hey Katie, I would love to be entered into your Juliette Has a Gun giveaway. I would like to win Citizen Queen.

    My YouTube name is AmberDavid0307

    love the blog!

  89. Please enter me in the Juliette Has a Gun giveaway. I would prefer to win Citizen Queen. My YouTube name is BarrysDaughter thanks :0)

  90. Please enter me in the Juliette Has a Gun giveaway. I would prefer to win Citizen Queen. My YouTube name is AppleCopasetic.

  91. Please enter me in the Juliette Has a Gun giveaway. I would prefer to win Citizen Queen or one of the pouches, if Citizen Queen has been taken. My YouTube name is gabby14333.
    Thanks. Gabby.

  92. Please enter me in the Juliette Has a Gun giveaway. I would prefer to win Lady Vengeance. My youtube name is oksanakapeniak.

  93. Hi Katie. Please enter me in the Juliette has a Gun giveaway. If I win, I'd love Miss Charming. My youtube name is louise7401.


  94. Please enter me in the Juliette Has a Gun giveaway. I would prefer to win Citizen Queen. My YouTube name is xheathermichelle.”

  95. Please enter me in the Juliette Has a Gun giveaway. I would prefer to win Miss Charming. My You Tube name is delilah758


  96. Hi Katie! I'd like to enter this giveaway, and would prefer to win Citizen Queen. (What a hard choice between Queen and Lady Vengance!)

    My YouTube name is "xTenshiko."

  97. Please enter me in the Juliette Has a Gun giveaway. I would like to win Citizen Queen. My YouTube name is "sonyawinder"

  98. Please enter me in the Juliette Has a Gun giveaway, I would like to try the Citizen Queen or all three sample sizes... My YouTube username is HowDoIFortune. Thank you!

  99. Hey Kelly!
    Please enter me in the Juliette Has a Gun giveaway. I would prefer to win Miss Charming OR Lady Vengeance. My YouTube name is razzberry06.
    Thanks! Keep up the great video reviews!

  100. Please enter me in the Juliette Has a Gun giveaway. I would prefer to win Citizen Queen. My YouTube name is ExcellentGerwa.

  101. Please enter me in the Juliette Has a Gun giveaway. I would prefer to win Miss Charming. My YouTube name is margho99. Thanks.

  102. Please enter me in the Juliette Has a Gun giveaway. I would prefer to win Lady Vengeance. My YouTube name is MistressMercy

  103. Hi Katie, please enter me in the Juliette has a Gun giveaway. I would love to try the Lady Vengeance fragrance.
    My YouTube user name is kwillia26


  104. Please enter me in the Juliette Has a Gun giveaway,i would prefer to win Miss Charming !
    my youtube name is minou182


  105. This comment has been removed by the author.

  106. Hello! Please enter me in the Juliette Has a Gun giveaway. I would prefer to win Lady Vengeance or all three samples, My Youtube name is GreenVietPanda

  107. HELLO KATIE! ^___^

    My name is Ana.
    Please enter me in the Juliette Has a Gun giveaway!!! I would prefer to win Lady Vengeance ^_~ My YouTube name is mysteryfangirl.

  108. Hi Katie,

    Please enter me in the Juliette Has a Gun giveaway. I would prefer to win Miss Charming. My Blogger name is honeybell and my YouTube name is honeybell1986 (both accounts are set to private, but are still viewable using their full web addresses). It's so nice of you to hold this contest, thank you so much!:-)

  109. Hi Katie!

    I love the new website. Please enter me in the Juliette Has a Gun giveaway. I would prefer to win Miss Charming. My youtube name is karatechess23.


  110. Please enter me in the Juliette Has a Gun giveaway. I would prefer to win Lady Vengeance.

    On youtube I am xxvanillacandycane.

  111. Hi Katie!

    Love your reviews and biting wit! I would prefer Miss Charming or Lady Vengeance. My youtube name is venusapollo.
    Thanks for all the laughs!

  112. Please enter me in the Juliette Has a Gun giveaway. I would prefer to win Lady Vengeance. My YouTube name is azzianmomma.

  113. Hi Katie :]

    I'm lemming Miss Charming and Lady Vengeance, but your reviews have spiked my curiosity about all 3.

    My YouTube name is soflyashley.

    Thanks so much!

  114. Please enter me in the Juliette Has a Gun giveaway. I would prefer to win Miss Charming. My YouTube name is pyrokitsune1.

  115. Please enter me in the Juliette Has a Gun giveaway. I would prefer to win Miss Charming. My YouTube name is junepeachie.

  116. hi, please enter me in the contest :)
    I love the packaging of this perfume
    my youtube name is doriosity as well.

    If I posted an entry already can you please delete/ ignore it. When I reloaded the page, my comment didn't show up. Thanks.

  117. Please enter me in the Juliette Has a Gun giveaway. I would prefer to win Citizen Queen. My YouTube name is meadow227. Thank You!

  118. Hey there =] Please enter me in the Juliette Has a Gun Giveaway. I would really like to win Miss Charming. It seems like it would be lovely. My Youtube name is breebuh! Thank you for the giveaway opportunity.

  119. This comment has been removed by the author.

  120. Hi Katie!

    Please enter me in the Juliette Has a Gun giveaway. I would prefer to win Citizen Queen. My YouTube name is 3plo.

    Thanks alot!

  121. Hi! My name on youtube is lennonchic and I'd love to win Miss Charming.:)

  122. Hi pretty! Please enter me in the Juliette Has A Gun giveaway! I would love to try Miss Charming but really any of the 3 would make my day!! My YouTube name is NerdatHart!
    Sending lots of Xes and Ohs

  123. Hi!
    Please eneter me in the Juliette Has A Gun giveaway. I'd love to try Miss Charming but really any of the 3 would make my day!
    My youtube channel is maple0leaf
    I love your channel.

  124. would love to win Lady Vengeance. I am Angellouise108

  125. Please enter me in the contest! I would prefer Citizen Queen. My username is suddenlyIsee18 on Youtube. Thanks!

  126. I`d love to win Lady Vengeance and my Youtube user is ScArLetxScr3am ;D

  127. My name is Elizabeth and i am know as Eliiizabeth88 on youtube and i would like to win Lady Vengeance please :)

  128. Hi Kaite! i would like to win Lady Vengeance please! ^_^ keep on smellin'!

  129. Hey Katie.

    I love your reviews they are wonderful

    I would love to win Lady Vengeance please =)

    Youtube name is Shineon0324

    Keep up the good work!

  130. Hi Katie~
    I've won before in one of your giveaways.
    I'd really like to try my luck again for this fragrance as I love the smell of roses.
    I would prefer to win Miss Charming.
    My YouTube name is 1piscesish.
    Thank you so much! =)

  131. Please enter me in the Juliette Has a Gun giveaway. I would prefer to win Miss Charming. My YouTube name is thesw33est09

  132. Please enter me in the Juliette Has a Gun Giveaway. I would love to win Miss Charming. My Youtube name is miziroo. =)

  133. Hi :) my name is Danielle, please enter me in the Juliette Has a Gun giveaway, I would love to win Citizen Queen. my Youtube name is andshewasthemuse. Thanks.

  134. Please enter me in the Juliette Has a Gun giveaway. I would prefer to win Lady Vengence or Citizen Queen. My YouTube name is lethallissa113

  135. Please enter me in the Juliette Has a Gun giveaway. I would prefer to win miss charming or Citizen Queen

    my youtube account is stupidbrain1

  136. hi, katie!

    I would like to enter the contest, for lady vengeance, but I wouldn't mind winning any of them.

    My youtube name is 81endo, same as my blogger name

  137. Please enter me in the Juliette Has a Gun giveaway. I would prefer to win Miss Charming or Lady Vengence.

    My youtube name is Redsatin69

  138. hey katie!
    i would like to me entered in the juliette has a gun giveaway, miss charming sounds good..but ill be happy to try anything new! my youtube name is-AlmightyBungholio9

  139. Hey Katie i would love to be entered in the Juliette has a gun giveaway and I would like to win Miss Charming or Citizen Queen.My youtube name is mia2585 thanks so much for the giveaway and good luck

  140. Please enter me in the Juliette Has a Gun giveaway. I would prefer to win Miss Charming. My YouTube name is pinkplease.

  141. Hi Katie!

    “Please enter me in the Juliette Has a Gun giveaway. I would prefer to win Lady Vengence. My YouTube name is iM8KyouUp.”

  142. Hey Katie :)

    My youtube name is leesha666, please enter me into the Juliette has a gun giveaway. I would prefer to win Miss Charming but either is fine! :)

    thanks alot!
    x hayley (leesha666)

  143. Hi Katie! Love your reviews on youtube and I am a recent subscriber. I don't know much about women's perfumes so your reviews really help me with gift ideas for the women in my life.

    Please enter me in the Juliette Has a Gun giveaway. I would prefer to win Lady Vengence. My YouTube name is atlas407.

    Thanks again!

  144. Hello Katie,

    My Youtube account name is BlueStarsHalo, Please enter me in this great Juliette Has A Gun Giveaway. I would prefer the sample pouch of all three scents.



  145. Hi Katie! My Blogger name is Nina and my Youtube name is ninasagarbarria. I would prefer to win Miss Charming or even the fragrance sampler would suffice! Thanks and I'm glad you have a blog now! :)

  146. Hi Katie
    please enter me in the Juliette has a Gun giveway

    MY youtube account name is wedimagineer

    i would like to win the velvet bag with the .07 oz samples
    thanks hope u have a good day

  147. What a great way to kick off the month of July!

    I would prefer to win Lady Vengeance. My Youtube name is kathe58.


  148. Hi,

    I'd love to enter the contest to win Lady Vengeance. My youtube name is Miriam89.



  149. Hi Katie! My youtube name is yabelet1 and I'd love to enter in this givaway. I would prefer Lady Vengeance.

  150. YT name: joeda6

    Lady Vengeance, please.

  151. Hey Katie!
    I am Lize, aka LIEHIEZE on Youtube.

    Last year I was in a store, and I smelled the Juliette has a gun fragrance in Miss Charming.
    IT SMELLS DELICIOUS! Unfortunately, it was too expensive. After that, I never saw it again in any store. Which sucks so bad! It really smells delicious and that is why I want to enter this giveaway. It would be so awesome to win one of the two bottles of Miss Charming, or even a sample would do, so I can still smell the yummyness :D

    Good luck with your new blog!

    Lize from the Netherlands

  152. hello katie , my youtube name is annahlease and i would prefer to win one of the velvet pouches with samples of all three eau de parfums :)

  153. hi, my youtube name is candisum and i am interested in winning miss charming or lady vengeance. thank you! *wishing myself luck*

  154. Please enter me in the Juliette has a Gun giveaway. I would prefer Miss Charming. My youtube name is lynxkitty6

  155. hi katie, please enter me in the Juliette Has a Gun giveaway. I would love to win Lady Vengeance. My YouTube name is emmacollinsdesign. Good luck to everyone! thank you!

  156. Hi Katie, Please enter me in the Juliette Has a Gun giveaway. I would prefer to win Miss Charming. My YouTube name is blackjadestone. Thanks!

  157. Please enter me in the contest, my youtube name is mpicky.

    I would prefer to win Lady Vengance. Thank you!

  158. Please enter me in the Juliette Has a Gun giveaway. I would prefer to win Lady Vengeance. My YouTube name is BarbieBia.

  159. hello,
    my youtube name is: amiej1806
    please enter me for the Miss Charming giveaway. :)

  160. Please enter me in the Juliette Has a Gun giveaway. I would prefer to win Miss Charming. My YouTube name is kreativekaren.

  161. Please enter me in the Juliette Has a Gun giveaway. I would prefer to win Miss Charming. My YouTube name is highonsugar25.

  162. Please enter me in the Juliette Has a Gun giveaway. I would prefer to win Miss Charnming. My YouTube name is voguiee

  163. Please enter me in the Juliette Has a Gun giveaway. I would prefer to win Miss Charming. My YouTube name is xluvsanya.

  164. This comment has been removed by the author.

  165. Please enter me in the Juliette Has a Gun giveaway! I would prefer to win Miss Charming:) My YouTube name is briseida80

  166. Please enter me into the giveaway drawing! My YouTube username is; mimzywhimzy, and I would LOVE to win Citizen Queen! Thank you, and congrats on the faboo new blog!!

  167. My youtube name is the8bitninja and I would enjoy winning Lady Vengeance!

  168. Please enter me in the Juliette Has A Gun giveaway contest. I would love to own the Miss.Charming perfume. My YouTube name is SmokeyStars742.

  169. Please enter me in the Juliette Has a Gun giveaway! I would prefer to win Lady Vengeance. =) My YouTube name is Pullupyoursockslove.
    Thanks katie! xxx

  170. Please enter me in the Juliette Has A Gun giveaway contest. I prefer Miss Charming. My youtube name is Frannieirene

  171. Hi, please enter me in the Juliette HAs A Gun giveaway contest. I prefer to win Lady Vengeance.

    My youtube name is TheOriginalAss

  172. My Youtube name is coenzyme

    I would love to win Miss Charming :)

  173. Hello, could you please enter me into the Juliette Has a Gun giveaway? I would prefer to win Miss Charming, if possible.

    My youtube name is oxskittlefreekxo

    Thank you very much!


  174. Hi :)
    Please enter my in the Juliette has a gun giveaway?
    I'd love to win Miss Charming.
    My youtube name is cathurnx3.

  175. I would love to be entered in your drawing. I would prefer Miss Charming if I win. My youtube name is JWpianoboe.

  176. Hi! Please enter me in the Juliette has a Gun drawing! I would really love a bottle of Citizen Queen which is amazing!

    My YouTube name is Annlovesperfume

    Thanks! AnnS

  177. Please enter me in the Juliette Has a Gun giveaway. I would prefer to win Lady Vengeance...

    My Youtube Name Is LalyShaney..(I Have Buffy The Vampire Slayer as My Pro Pic..)

    RagdollVampGirl (Lalyshaney)

  178. Hey Katie
    Please enter me in the Juliette Has a Gun giveaway, I'd love to win Miss Charming
    My YouTube name is ToniSaysHello :)


  179. Hi! Please enter me in the JHG giveaway! I would love to win Miss Charming =) My YouTube name is MsTadakichi


  180. This comment has been removed by the author.

  181. Hello, please enter me too as I really like this line. I'm lognorupa on youtube.
    Farah xxx

  182. hi my youtube name is makeupbykns and please enter me for lady vengeance :)

  183. Hi!
    Congratulations on your new post.
    I wold love to be entered for Lady Vengeance. Thanks!

  184. Oops, I forgot to say that my youtube name is arwen9elf

  185. How exciting that you are launching the blog! I am dellse1 on youtube. I think that citizen queen or the sample pack would be cool. Thanks!

  186. I want to be entered in the giveway. I want to win Miss Charming

    Thank You


  187. Please enter me in the Juliette Has a Gun Giveaway! I would prefer to win Lady Vengeance. My YouTube name is exotique71

    Thank you for being so generous and best of luck with the new blog!


  188. My YT name is jabberwocky685, please enter me. I would love to win the Miss Charming perfume. (Did you know that that was your 50th YT vid? Congrats.)

  189. Hello, Please enter me in the Juliette Has a Gun giveaway. I would prefer to win Miss Charming. My YouTube name is Stacey98761.

    Thank you, Stacey

  190. Hello! I love your YouTube channel, so I was happy to discover you have a blog as well :)

    I'd like to enter into the Juliette Has a Gun contest, and I would prefer to win Miss Charming. My YouTube name is also xivorydustx.

  191. Hello Katie, Please enter me in the Juliette Has a Gun giveaway. I would prefer to win Lady Vengeance . My YouTube name is LadyUnintended.

  192. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  193. Thanks for the giveaway. Please enter me, I would love to win Miss Charming. youtube name is onetimejames.

  194. hi! please enter me in the giveaway for 'Lady Vengeance'!! my youtube name is Ctrlfreak01 :) thanks! xxx

  195. My lj is openlyhidden, my youtube is neotsukihime.

    Please enter me in the Juliette has a gun drawing. I would prefer Miss Charming, but of course would be thrilled with any of the prizes.

  196. pls enter me for Miss Charming : )
    My Youtube username is "persianbilli"


  197. Please enter me in the Juliette has a gun drawing!! I would prefer Miss Charming but anything is fine! My youtube name is asweetnshortworld.

  198. Please enter me in the Juliette Has a Gun giveaway.

    I would prefer to win Miss Charming.

    My YouTube name is aprileight.


  199. Hello Katie,

    Please enter me in the Juliette Has a Gun giveaway.

    I would prefer to win Miss Charming.
    (coz charm is my nickname. xD)

    My YouTube name is aprileight.


  200. Who can resist a woman with a gun...I'd love to be entered in the drawing~Lady Vengeance would be my pick! YouTube account is thescentmuse
